
Autocomplete is designed so that as the user types into a text box, a list of matching answers is shown in a drop-down menu below the text box. The user can then choose one or more items from the list instead of typing the whole answer.

Autocomplete is a compilation of three components: a text Input field, a Dropdown menu and Chips. The hover and focus states for an Autocomplete pattern are inherited from the text Input field component. The hover, select and focus states for the menu are inherited from the Dropdown menu. The Chip component hover and focus states apply as well.


This autocomplete allow you to select multiple items. Try searching for ja



Autocomplete should be used where users need to find information from across many different categories and locations. The autocomplete component provides a speed benefit for users looking for a specific, known topic and a context benefit to users that know some, but not all of the search criteria. Autocomplete may be used in many locations where a standard search would be suitable. Autocomplete is not recommended for filtering data or for searching a limited number of known items.

When not to use:

Do not use autocomplete where information has a very limited scope and few options.

Instead use:

Getting Started

Item Display Text

It is expected that your results and value props will be Objects (or an Array of Objects) that have the display text you wish to use available as a property. You can configure which property you want to use as display text by setting the text-prop prop to the name of the property you want to use.

For example if your objects are structured like the following:

const results = [
    id: 1,
    name: "Rik",

You would configure text-prop to be name.

Search Event

The search event is throttled (debounce) out of the box. It will also adhere to any minChar restrictions you place on the Autocomplete. When you are handling the search event be sure to set the loading prop to true if you are making an asynchronous call. Once you have your results, make sure you have _text property set on each object and then set results prop to your results array and loading to false.

Min Characters

When setting the minChar prop, be sure to add a minChar property on the labels prop to warn the user about this restriction. Note the token ${min} will be replaced with the number specified in minChar.

No Results

If an empty results set is passed, the noResults property of the labels prop will be used for the message displayed.

Results Menu Height

You can configure the results menu height by setting the height style for .feather-autocomplete-results-list. Out of the box the height is configured to allow up to 6 rows before scrolling. We have provided a mixin for you to easily configure the height of the results menu.

The following example allows 10 items to be displayed before scrolling.

.my-component :deep(.feather-autocomplete-results-list) {
  @include autocomplete-results-height(10);

Chip Pre Icon

To configure a 'pre' icon inside a selected Chip, you must add a _pre property on the value prop that is composed of an object containing a title and icon property. title should be a string detailing what the icon is for. icon should be a Feather DS Icon.

If you know ahead of time that a selection will require an icon, you can populate this _pre property when you are creating your results array.

After Selection

If your item is already selected, you will need to update your value array to have the correct _pre property. The following code snippet can help you achieve this. Please note the use of $set is necessary.

this.$set(this.value, index, {
  _pre: {
    icon: icon,
    title: "There is an issue with this selection",

In the example above, we update the value array at the index where the icon needs to be inserted.



labellabel for the AutocompleteStringtrue-
typetype of Autocomplete to render. Allowed:"multi","single"Stringtrue-
modelValuecurrent value the Autocomplete has. In multi mode it will be an Array. In single it will be a Object selectedArray or Objectfalse[] or undefined
resultsarray of search results to display in dropdownArrayfalse[]
textPropproperty name that is used to get the display text from value and results.Stringfalse_text
errorerror string to display under AutocompleteStringfalse-
hinthint string to display under AutocompleteStringfalse-
loadingwhen true, Autocomplete will be in a loading stateBooleanfalsefalse
allowNewwhen true, Autocomplete will allow new items to be added. Only available in single modeBooleanfalsefalse
highlightdetermines how the query is matched in the results. Allowed:"off","ignore-case". See Highlighting sectionStringfalse"off"
minCharwill only emit search even when query is atleast minChar longNumberfalse0
newMatcherif allowNew is enabled, this is the function that ascertains if the search term entered is unique/newfunctionfalseCompares query and item in lower case
selectionLimitlimits the number of items that can be selected. Only takes effect in multi. Don't forget to set the labelNumberfalse-
labelsobject containing labels to be used by this component. Mainly used for i18n or customization of labels. See Labels exampleObjectfalseSee Labels example
gridConfigarray containing configuration for rendering the grid results. See Grid Config exampleObjectfalseSee Grid Config example
hideLabelhides the label for the input in scenarios like tables where it would get in the wayBooleanfalse-
schemaa schema for use in validationObjectfalse-


Text labels for Autocomplete can be customized via the labels prop. The default labels values are:

  noResults: "No results found",
  minChar: "Enter ${min} characters to search",
  clear: "Clear value", //used for clear icon in single mode
  selectionLimit: "Selection limit reached",
  new: "New"

Grid Config

An Array of custom objects that contain configuration for each column. Allowed properties are:

  • title - this should be the display name of the column
  • prop - the name of the value contained within the results object that is to be rendered in this column
  • align - Optional, can be used to configure the column to be right aligned. Default layout is left aligned.

Example Config

    title: "Name",
    prop: "name",
    title: "Email",
    prop: "email",
    title: "Car",
    prop: "car",
    title: "Order",
    prop: "order",
    align: "right",

Result object structure:

  name: "Clarke",
  email: "",
  car: "Porsche",
  order: 20


Highlighting can be used to showcase what part of the string matched the search query. By default the highlight prop is set to off. Currently the only other option is ignore-case, this will match the first instance of the query string in the textProp regardless of case.


  • search - emits the string query coming from the Autocomplete. This event is throttled (debounced)
  • update:modelValue - emits an array that is the new value of the Autocomplete
  • new - emits string that should be the display text of the new element. This event is only used when allowNew is true


  • pre - define an icon that will appear before the input. Default is a search icon
  • min-char - will override any minCharText value you provide. Use this or the property but NOT both


  • feather-autocomplete-input - on the input element
  • feather-form-element-label - on the label text element
  • feather-form-element-hint - on the hint text element
  • feather-form-element-error - on the error text element
  • feather-form-element-clear - on anchor tag surrounding the clear icon
  • feather-autocomplete-min-char - on the min char element
  • feather-autocomplete-no-results - on the no results element
  • feather-autocomplete-selection-limit - on the selection limit element
  • feather-autocomplete-input-selected - on the div that holds the selected element names for screen readers
  • feather-autocomplete-menu-container - the root div of the menu container
  • feather-autocomplete-menu-container-dropdown - the container div for the menu contents, note this uses our layering system and will be present as an immediate child of the body tag


Specifying a class or data-ref-id attribute will cause them to be applied to the component's root container div. All other attributes are inherited to the input where it makes sense. Some will be ignored if they conflict with some of the attributes used for accessibility.


We are aware of the following issues with JAWS 2018:

  • pressing enter to select turns on forms mode
  • pressing enter to clear the token or input does not work

We are hoping updating to the latest JAWS version will resolve these issues.